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Stu Turner

Going the extra mile in a tough year, with constantly changing environments and under difficult conditions has earned Stu Turner a GEM Award for 2001. The CIMedia Network content manager based in Orange County/LA has seen his world evolve from local focus at LAinsider.com to broadband guru on the network product team.

In the GEM Award nomination submitted by Ed Murray, what stands out is Stu's ability to focus on the issues at hand, get things done and move on—all strengths that he had to use several times last year! First, Stu's guiding hand helped LAinsider.com become one of the top-notch sites in the network, surpassing every audience and product goal that came its way.

Then, when the difficult decision was made to close the site and the LA studio, Stu's continued commitment to CIMedia and its people made him the clear choice to handle the shutdown. "He single-handedly managed the physical closing of the studio," says Ed, making sure all assets were accounted for in a challenging environment.

Finally, Stu turned around and took another tough assignment to lead the broadband team. "In just a few short weeks, Stu not only got up to speed on the project, he led the charge to begin the actual build-out of a real product. The fruits of his labors (essentially an entire new product line for CIMedia) can be seen on the SimplyLocal.com sites."

Congratulations, Stu, on your continuing GEM-quality efforts on CIM's behalf!

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  March 2002
   Cox Interactive Media


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